Never Settle for Less

What is settling for less?

Drafted from the book 'Look from where you are, stop looking at where you are.' Coming out soon.

Many times …., actually most of the times people tend not to do that which they ought or aspire to be by their own action, or rather a lack of it.

It could be fear of the unknown, fear of failure or even mere fear of what other people think or would say. 

In the end, such individuals tend to settle for less because it is either safe, easier on the mind or possesses the least 'risk.'

Not to imply that risk should be first nature, but that it must not stop one from chasing a dream.

From this information we can derive a definition:

Settling for less is failing to live up to one's ability or potential even when it is within reach.

Why you should never settle for less

Many times we are guilty of diminishing the inherent potential by turning the blind eye. It is generally assumed that by not taking any action, we are free the resultant consequences of the failure to commit to a decision. That way there is a state of self consolation by labeling oneself as 'neutral.'
Nothing could be farther from the truth.

It is important to know that a lack of action is an action on its own.

Why would that be so?

This is because there will be a resultant outcome from that choice in as much as there would be a result if an action was to be taken. 

All that we are or possess today are evidence of actions either performed or those not taken.

Imagine a scenario where a firm is to turn into a multimillion organisation within the next five years but you do not realize its potential and choose not to invest in it instead.

Fast forward five years down the line... Your lack of action does not seem 'neutral' now, does it?
Actually you will feel that you are at a disadvantage. 

Then the question becomes, if you were 'neutral' how then do you feel disadvantaged after five years instead of feeling neutral again?

The answer, is simple. It is because the failure to take an action was an action on its own five years ago. 

Turning the scenario upside down..

The same is true if the scenario were turned upside down.
Imagine a firm that is about to crash into bankruptcy within the next five years and you choose to play your 'neutrality' card whilst unaware of the pending catastrophe.

Five years down the line you feel happier and at an advantage because you saved your money from a tumbling firm.

The question remains the same, if you were 'neutral' how then would you feel at an advantage instead of feeling neutral?

And the answer will lie in your own words, "Good thing I made that action of not taking an action five years ago!" 😂

Let us consider a more practical example;

Deciding not to vote in an election is not really “not taking an action” because it only strengthens the candidate who is already in a winning position. 

Therefore, your vote, or a lack of it is still an action that decides either the next minister or president.
“It is funny how we take action in our lives by not taking action”- inspiration corner
As one philosopher rightfully said, 
‘the world is not bad because of evil people but because of good people who do not take any action.’

Unfortunately, the same phrase is sometimes given life by our own lives whenever we fail to make some potentially life changing actions in fear of failure.

Back to the subject: Settling for less

Do any of the following statements sound familiar?
What if I fail?
What if it doesn’t work?
What will other people say of my failure?
How will I stand before the people if I fail?

Whenever you give in to any of these questions, you will not explore the possibilities but rather ‘relieve’ yourself the effort of putting action that may otherwise “lead to failure.” 

This is what is commonly termed ‘the comfort zone.’

The comfort zone

It is unfortunate nowadays the comfort zone is portrayed as an ugly beast that is just full of misery, disappointment and failure. If that were the case it would not be called a ‘comfort’ zone, would it?

What is ‘the comfort zone’?

In fact, The Comfort Zone is a state of content, meaning one will actually be comfortable with that which he/she has.

Because it is comfortable, this is why most people do not bother to dig deeper for more.

The only problem with the comfort zone is that one never truly realizes his/her potential. You dance only to the tune that is already set.

Of course, not everyone can become an employer but every employee can work towards and acquire opportunities beyond the routine 8 to 4 daily schedule.

Mere employment or a steady flow of income should not put a full stop (period) to one’s dream. Yearn to achieve more, do more and make more of every opportunity.

So is it easy?

Of course, it may not be easy. If it were everyone would not have a dream then, would they?

What makes individuals different is the extra step others are willing to go, the number of times others are willing to rise up every time they fall and a driving purpose that gives the courage and strength to persevere in pursuit of a dream.

Everyone has a dream, whether or not one decides to take action for it is the question.
