Power of Positivity: Does it work in real life?

Glass half full or glass half empty?
Which statement do you familiarize with the most?

A positive mindset, often underrated, is the first step in the process of achieving a goal.

Who could argue that one can only grow as big as his/her mind perceives?
The first defeat for anyone is the admission of defeat within the mind.

In sports, be it cricket, football, basketball, volleyball etc; Nomatter the odds stacked against a team, if ever there is going to be a chance of victory it has to register first within the players' minds that "victory is possible and achievable."

This also applies to the supporters. However, even though we apply the positivity principle to our teams, many times we fail to apply it in our own lives.

How many times do people pay tickets to support a team that has all the odds stacked against it??

As if thats not enough, the same individuals leave the stadium disappointed when their underdog team is defeated 😲.
If your team was the underdog, then why would you be disappointed that it lost?
One word answer: Positivity.

Positivity is belief that despite the circumstances, anything, especially a favourable outcome is possible.

You neither need evidence nor facts to be positive about any situation. Positivity is like nature's own way of being fair to all individuals.
Very often, positivity is what then gives someone the drive, strength and perseverance to fight for their goals.

It is not only on positivity that one can thrive without evidence. Many religions thrive on Faith.
Faith is the evidence of things not seen. It is believing in something even though one has no tangible evidence of it.

What about etheists? One may ask.
Irregardless of religion, an example of faith is mere planning of the future; Be it for tomorrow, the day after tomorrow or even five years from now.

Every night you go to sleep you have neither fact nor evidence that you will be around tomorrow yet you plan your day for tomorrow.
You don't plan your day because "you think you might still be around tomorrow" but because "you know you will be around." But you neither have facts or evidence to back that up. Now, isn't that positivity in its purest yet simplest form?

Positivity need not be something complex, rather a state of being that anticipates good outcome from any deed.

Of course, sometimes plans head south and nothing positive can can be deduced from the outcome. But should yesterday's defeat stain the planning of tomorrow's victory??

The power of positivity has also been emphasized by some philosophers. The Canergie principles point to it as being the ultimate key to success. It states that with a strong DESIRE accompanied by belief and tenacity anything in life can be achieved.

Without a doubt, success very often begins from a positive mindset.
I hope this was helpful. Drop a comment below and share the message :)

Here are some of my favourite inspirational quotes:
Success is often achieved by those that do not know that failure is inevitable - Coco Shanel
 Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence - Helen Keller
In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can - Nikos Kazantzakis 
