Self confidence
Self confidence is the belief in oneself. It is a belief in one's own ability, talent, skill, capacity or expertise.
It is a great way to start if you are going to tackle an obstacle. Sometimes all it takes to achieve a goal is some stubborn confidence. Likewise, a lack of it is sometimes all it takes to send a good presentation or proposal crumbling down to rubbles of failure.
The optimum desired level of confidence may not be achieved in a single day, let alone fully acquired through use of a few methods. But two steps in the right direction are definitely two steps closer to the desired destination.
The optimum desired level of confidence may not be achieved in a single day, let alone fully acquired through use of a few methods. But two steps in the right direction are definitely two steps closer to the desired destination.
Here are 4 ways guaranteed to improve self confidence (in no particular order)
Appearance, without doubt, plays a major part in how you will feel about yourself in the presence of other people. Dressing sharp can mask some insecurities.
This is because when you feel good about yourself, your insecurities disappear (for that moment at least).
A larger portion of the inferiority complex is attributed to how a person presents himself in comparison to those around.
When you are the best dressed person in a room it often brings with it admiration.
That sense of admiration from those around you often fuels some positive vibes which enhance confidence. It makes you feel like giving yourself a pat on the back for a job well done, and rightly so too.

A larger portion of the inferiority complex is attributed to how a person presents himself in comparison to those around.
When you are the best dressed person in a room it often brings with it admiration.
That sense of admiration from those around you often fuels some positive vibes which enhance confidence. It makes you feel like giving yourself a pat on the back for a job well done, and rightly so too.
"Choose your self-presentations carefully, for what starts out as a mask may become your face" - Erving Goffman
Note that dressing smart does not necessarily mean suit and tie. Smart is all about a coordinated combination of apparel. DO NOT merely throw clothes onto yourself as if you were putting them on a hanger. Put some thought into how you present yourself and above all, how it fits your look.
Good self presentation is about clean clothing; those that complement one's physical build whilst maintaining a good balance of color.
You do not want a complete overhaul of dull colors that suck all hope of life out, and at the same time neither do you want loud colors that make you feel uncomfortable. Most importantly, it should something that makes you feel good about yourself.
Good self presentation is about clean clothing; those that complement one's physical build whilst maintaining a good balance of color.
You do not want a complete overhaul of dull colors that suck all hope of life out, and at the same time neither do you want loud colors that make you feel uncomfortable. Most importantly, it should something that makes you feel good about yourself.
You do not want to be a walking rainbow, but at the same time neither do you want to be mistaken for the Grim Reaper!
Whenever you do not feel good about yourself, its guaranteed that those around you will not feel good about you either. The psychic is just inexplicable.
Self presentation is also a major influence of perception... And it is common knowledge that how people view you can either negatively or positively affect your self confidence.
Its easy to feel the contempt or admiration from those you interact with. A negative ambiance can be toxic to self confidence whilst a positive one can work wonders, boosting confidence to unimaginable levels.
Surround yourself with positivity and encouragement
Many times confidence is just a matter of having positive voices and people around you that give you a sense of self assurance.
A very common example is an instance when you do something silly (something you would never do 'in your right frame of mind') after your friends pump you with an overdose of confidence. Mere statements such as "you can do this!" and "you own this!" will bury all forms of insecurities and for that particular moment you are untouchable and you may feel like you can beat even Mike Tyson in his prime!
Confidence is a mental affair and positive confessions are one way of getting your mind on track.
Unlike surrounding yourself with positivity and encouragement, affirmations are a way of creating your own positive atmosphere and self assurance.
Take some time to yourself or even look yourself in the mirror everyday and meaningfully tell yourself; you are that which desire to be.
Affirmations are better said out loud so that you hear your own voice.
A common example is the utterance "I can do this."
I've heard people repeatedly say this to themselves before speeches and sometimes on roller coasters! It all falls under affirmations but at times we just don't realize it. Everyone, at some point in life had a time when he/she affirmed himself/herself but just did not realize it at the time.
Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve - Napoleon Hill
One may think of affirmations as a way of 'tricking' the mind into believing.
There is nothing new about affirmations. It is just the same as when your friends give you a positive push.
There is nothing new about affirmations. It is just the same as when your friends give you a positive push.
Even on a political scale, it is the same tool politicians use to paint themselves pink by constantly uttering positive things about themselves into your ear.
Another example is in advertising. Coca cola will be right in your face wherever you go. When you travel, you see it on billboards. When you sit down you see its advert on television, and even when you close your eyes you still hear it on radio.
Now, when you are asked to randomly list three beverage drinks, you can't help but think COCA COLA!!
Good advertising does not just circulate information. It penetrates the public mind with desires and belief - Leo Burnett
Be yourself
Sounds cliche, I know... But what is explained below IS NO CLICHE..
A mistake commonly made is that people try to become their role models. It in NOT a bad thing to have a role model or a mentor. The only mistake is when you try to wear that mentor's skin to become your own.
A mistake commonly made is that people try to become their role models. It in NOT a bad thing to have a role model or a mentor. The only mistake is when you try to wear that mentor's skin to become your own.
A role model is someone meant to be admired, NOT DESIRED. He/she is someone whose life makes you want to push your own life in a positive direction. So do just that, live your own life and you will find more confidence that way.
It is impossible to be someone else and therefore trial of such a thing always leads to an unquenchable inadequacy. This lack of fulfillment can drive low self esteem with respect to your own life and you will try more and more to be another person just to hide your real self from people. From there it is an identity Mary-go-round.
With a good appearance also comes personal hygiene. Little things such as bad breath can pile a heap of insecurity that can ruin your whole day.
It is always smart to have within your arsenal essentials such as breath mints, antiperspirants, cologne etc..
If you sweat a lot, the use of antiperspirants or simple sodium bicarbonates hacks can turn your life around in that regard.
If you sweat a lot, the use of antiperspirants or simple sodium bicarbonates hacks can turn your life around in that regard.
Grooming is another chapter altogether beyond the scope of this post. The subject requires a lot of time and special attention. However, I believe you get the gist of the idea :)
Self confidence starts with your own frame of mind. If you can block out the fear of what other people may think or say then you find yourself on the right track.
Oh..PS; if you see 5 points don't think too much into it. Consider it a bonus :)
Oh..PS; if you see 5 points don't think too much into it. Consider it a bonus :)
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