Work hard and work smart

How hard work has withstood the test of time

There is no denying that, more times than not, hard work produces results. It is one characteristic feature that has withstood the test of time. 

Invention, innovation and automation have laid to rest some of common and customary orders of life. At one stage, muscle was always bigger than the brain. He who had more muscle and endurance to plough through a field would harvest more. For ancient empires, the one with more physical strength would rule over the weaker ones.

The world has since evolved and for the past few centuries hard work has taken different forms. It is no longer a definition of merely brute strength but requires tact and wit. In as much as everyone should work hard, they should work smarter. It is pointless sweating for days over something that could be performed in hours by a machine.
We now live in a globalized world. Product demand has increased but so has the number of producers. There is no time for delay.
 Hard work without tact is meaningless
There have been a countless number of quotes and phrases about hard work over the years. There is no denying that these phrases have in recent times become a bit of a cliché. 

But hey,...maybe...just maybe it is getting a bit 'outdated'.
Maybe its time to evolve a little bit isn't it?

Its a dynamic world. Innovation is no substitute for hard work but it is a means of achieving/producing more. It is meant to improve production and efficiency.

Back in the day, hard work literally meant what is says; hard work. At one time, when someone said 'you sweat to earn' it literally meant dripping a considerable volume of salty liquid from your pores. 

Today, thanks to urbanization, automation and technological advancements, hard work can be applied figuratively yet points to the same thing and not lose its meaning. Used figuratively, nowadays hard work can be a resemblance of commitment, perseverance, determination etc.

Hard work is no excuse for ignorance 

There is no excuse to be oblivious of the changes happening in the world today. Developments are popping up from every corner of every industry and they are all meant to increase productivity.

How to start working smart

1. Acquire knowledge

Knowledge is indeed power. You are always at an advantage over that which you know and you pay for what you do not know. People are literally getting paid for what they know.

If you were to purchase your own set of spanners and tools today and you do not know about or how to fix cars you will still pay the mechanic for his mere presence.

The lesson is NOT to become Jack of all trades but rather to continuously increase your knowledge about the trends and changes in your field of expertise.
Never stop learning

2. Investigate and evolve

It is a dynamic world. Everyday (literally), someone is introducing a new way to improve something. Investigate and always stay updated in your line of interest.

Move along with the times and advancements to avoid becoming obsolete
"Evolve or die"

3. A task at a time

It has been suggested that the brain may experience a drop of efficiency to as low as 40% if it tackles too many tasks at a given time. This may be reason why people miss some information whenever they experience duty overload.

More importantly, dedicating a task at a time helps improve focus and avoid a tactical evasion onto another task when the one at hand starts becoming difficult. 

4. Automate

If there is room for automation, do not hesitate. This also includes other technological advancements that reduce work load. 
Take some time to learn about new tools, programs or applications that may prove useful to your own agenda.

5. Be innovative

Do not be rigid. Allow yourself some room for improvement and invention. If the current path does not suit you, start your own.

"Hard work" the cliché

How many times have you heard the phrase "Hard work pays"? Or something along the line:
"There is no substitute for hard work"
You probably have lost count right?

The phrase has become so much of a cliché such that many people hardly recognize what it means anymore. This is because to the best of us, if not everyone, the phrase has  been bombarded into our ears literally since kindergarten.

Its 'unfortunate' that it was just so applicable and too good a phrase that it was diluted to something you have to say rather than what you mean to say.

The message was lectured to you going for school, recited during any sporting competitions and yet still preached before any other productive venture.
And it is ageless; you were born hearing it, grew up with it and even after retirement you are guaranteed you have not heard the last of it.

At such a rate who would argue that it was doomed for dilution.

Its a sad thing to see such good quotes go to waste and seem 'outdated';

Speaking of dates, how far back in history could such phrases have originated from?
Curious, i went on to dig a bit deeper about the origin of the phrase.

Origin of the phrase Hard work pays

As anyone could have guessed, one can not really pin point someone or a single event as being solely responsible for the phrase. This is because for as long as the human species has existed, hard work played a major part for the progression of the species as a whole from the stone age, iron age up to the technological era.  It is evident "there is no substitute for hard work" after all. It was as huge a requirement back in the day as it is today.

From my search, related phrases could be traced as far back to ancient Greek and Roman literature. I imagine even centuries before these great empires hard work was the pick of proverbs at the time but pen to paper and record keeping was not a thing yet.
Or the literature could still buried somewhere under a heap of sediment still waiting on archaeology. Whether be it farming, hunting, fighting or inventing you still had to put a lot of effort/ hard work into your craft to become the best at what you did.

5 Good quotes about hard work

1. Hard work without tact is meaningless

2. When you hard work and strategic reasoning in your corner, you are always 'lucky'

3. Opportunity looks a lot like hard work - Ashton Kutcher

4. Hard work is the 'extra' in 'ordinary'

5. Be thankful for what you have, work hard for what you do not have - Anonymous 
