How to overcome failure - Life lesson

Overcoming failure

Could there really be a key to overcoming failure?

Some kind of a failure repellent maybe? Or a preventative measure to failing, a sort of prophylactic remedy?

What if I could tell you that indeed there is. But there is more to it. The catch is not in never failing, but rather not realizing failure…

Still seems too vague an answer?

Let’s take two steps back and redefine failure shall we?
Failure is a state of lost hope in a cause. It is the moment when one gives up on trying because there is neither any hope left nor does there seem to be any chance of succeeding. It is because of this reasoning that it is argued that failure is a choice; and justifiably so. You choose to give in and you choose to quit.

Failure’s blindspot

Now, failure’s blindspot is one that hides in plane sight.

If you are in the process of trying and acting on your plan it is not considered failure yet, right? This is because the plan is still in transit and at the end of the day it could actually end up being a success. In essence, as long as you are trying you still have not failed yet.

Keys to beating failure

Realizing the destination

The first key to overcoming failure is to realize the intended destination that would be defined as being a “success.” Success is not a route. There are many routes that can produce a single outcome. Imagine it as a journey towards London, New York or some other city. There are several ways you could get there. You could use one of the several multitudes of roads that lead to the city or you could still go by air.

Now, the major problem most people encounter is that they have defined success as being both the route and the destination. With this mentality, if your flight to the city of success is delayed you will consider it a failure and you feel dejected right at the start of the journey.

Instead, you fail to realize that you could take the road route and if that ‘fails’ use another different road.  You have probably heard of the cliché phrase:
“If at first you do not succeed, try, try and try again”
The only problem with this phrase is the implementation after a misinterpretation of the idea. It is critical to know that trying and trying again is not enough to achieve success and beating failure. You need tact, knowledge, information and understanding about the trials you are implementing.
This is fully explained in the second key to beating failure:


The second key to beating failure is tact. Hard work alone is not enough. If you are going to work hard towards your goal but without tact then you are going to waste buckets of sweat over something you could have achieved with just a cup.

“Insanity is doing the exact same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”- A. Einstein. 
This is very applicable to failing. If you are going to tread over and over on the exact same route whilst failing again and again then your hard word is being backed by ignorance. How dare you combine hard work with ignorance.

If the road you chose to take you to London is a dead end, then why continuously walk down the exact same route over and over again?

Ignorance is not an excuse and neither will failure exempt nor pity you for your ignorance’s sake. Use tact and explore different routes to your destination. Continuously acquire knowledge about the success you seek. Never stop just because a single route has proven itself fruitless.

As mentioned before and I will make mention of it again; the ultimate success is a destination. A destination whose leading routes may vary. Someone else can accomplish succinctly your exact accomplishment but with a different route and approach to yours altogether.

So why limit yourself? Never give up on a dream. You will get there.
Keeping a steadfast hold on the critical first two keys, it takes us to the third key to overcoming failure:

Never say die

It has already been mentioned that failure takes its form only when one stops trying and all hope is lost.

Many times people give in to hopelessness because there will be no seemingly possible route left. However, that should not deter you or your hope. Because you perceived it means you deemed it possible!

When the world’s current technological advancements cannot comprehend your dream that is not your failure, but rather a failure of the world to catch up!

After all, it is what dreams are meant to be. That is why they are called dreams. They go beyond the imaginable and are meant to stretch the way this world perceives each and every aspect of life.
Imagine how absurd one would have sounded 100 years ago telling people that we could make camp on the moon for a couple of months.

Never limit yourself into having dreams that cover up for today and tomorrow. A dream should never be about putting a few cents or even thousands into your wallet. Imagine bigger!

Dreams should be generational. Think 1, 2, or 3 decades from now, aim to leave a permanent mark on the planet. This is why it is important to develop purpose.


A purpose is a meaning in life. It is reason for existence. It is a reflection of your being.

Purpose is not just success, it is reason for success. A reason for every objective and reason even for the investment of strength, time and finances.

Often, there is a misconception about the differentiation between purpose and benefit.

Going to work from eight to five everyday is for the sole benefit of earning a means to eat, drink, travel, tour and survive. That benefit is called a salary. It is a benefit in life, a benefit worth working hard for.

We all invest years in education and academia to acquire the knowledge that will help us achieve the benefits of life. It is not for everyone and it is not given for free. This is why it is called a ‘benefit.’
Those that have invested more of their time in education, knowledge and qualifications also enjoy the benefit of sitting on top of the food chain i.e fatter pay cheques.

Now, purpose is when your target for achievement goes beyond the benefits of a salary and your vision for income goes beyond a weekly, monthly or annual basis.

A salary will expire when you retire but a purpose will last as long as you live. Some see their purpose even lasting several more decades after they are deceased.

A purpose lies within the heart and unlike an ordinary job, even without a boss or a board of directors, the will to work and push on remains strong.

This takes us to the sixth key which was mentioned in the introduction. As was eluded earlier, a way to beat failure is by not recognizing it at all.

There is no such thing as failure

When a goal becomes a purpose driven it is fueled by a ridiculous amount of patience. Before the whole idea is misinterpreted, it is important to first define what patience is.

What is patience?

Patience is not just waiting, it is the right attitude whilst waiting. Being idle cannot be classified as patience.

Patience is not when you go on hold, it is your goal that is seemingly on ‘pause’ whilst you are busy engineering whatever will push it forward. Patience is hard work because you will actually do more whilst you ‘wait.’

I would go on and on about patience but that would be beyond the context of this article. The art of patience is a different topic altogether covered in another post.

So back to our topic; not realizing failure.

With a purpose in check, patience in abundance and keeping in mind other stated keys, giving up is never an option. It does not even come to mind.

It is like the positive version of ignorance. An essential one.
As Coco Chanel said;
“Success is often achieved by those that do not know that failure is inevitable.”
