10 Reasons Why You Should Stop Procrastinating

Why You Should Quit Procrastination

According to the Oxford English dictionary, procrastination is an action of delaying something.

Not only is procrastination bad for your plans, it can also derail your ambitions as an individual.

Here are ten reasons why you should stop procrastinating as soon as possible:

1. No progress'

It goes without saying that action yields outcome. Whatever dream you fail to take action for is guaranteed to remain within the imaginary realm. Any dream can only become tangible the moment to take steps towards it.
Procrastination will never make you any better off than you were yesterday. It is a causative agent of stagnation.

2. Time wasted

Time and tide wait for no man. We live in a dynamic world, so your failure to be dynamic will not stop the world from moving forward. You either move forward along with the world or the world rolls you over.
No one can recover wasted time. With every passing second in procrastination, you are neither getting younger nor are you getting any better.

3. If you are not busy living, you are busy dying

Death is not just burial under heaps of sand, it is every passing moment that one fails to grab the opportunity to take two steps forward towards LIVING their dreams.
If you are not taking any steps to live your dreams then you are gradually stepping away from life.

4. Wasted potential

When you procrastinate, you deny yourself the opportunity to make good use of your potential. 
Time is passing by, and with each passing day you are moving past your prime. 
With procrastination, a day usually turns to two, two turns to a week and a week turns to months. In the end, you may go on for years without attempting that which you promised yourself to undertake.

5. Impaired dreams and vision

Many visions have been laid to rest because of procrastination.
Some dreams have just never come to fruition because of years of procrastination. Others slip away from the fingers of the first idealist to perceive the opportunity and are implemented by other non-hesitant individuals who catch up on the idea down the line.

6. There is never the 'right time'

One of the most common excuses for procrastinating is, "I will do it at a better time."
However, there is no such thing as a better time.
Time is what you make of it. For the exact errand you claim to be not within your time budget, someone else is willing to deprive themselves an hour of their sleep or lunch time just to chop at the bit of having that goal achieved.

7. The more time moves on, the more the responsibilities

As was previously mentioned, time and tide wait for no man. 
Whenever you turn your back to your responsibilities it does not erase whatever you need to do. Tomorrow you will find the exact same problem waiting for you.
You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today - Abraham Lincoln

8. It becomes a habit, very hard to unlearn

Habits die hard. Once you find yourself in the habit of procrastinating, it will take more for you to complete any other task regardless of how simple it may be.

Successful people form habits that feed their success and drop those that feed their failures.
One habit for success is taking action and procrastination is its opposite.

9. Creates pressure which in turn may cause stress

Procrastination is planning the present for the future.

However, the future has its own tasks, responsibilities and agenda.
When you draft the present tasks to the future you create unnecessary pressure  upon yourself. Pressure can lead to poor health habits and even stress-related ailments.

10. Because you are a torch bearer

Not only are you responsible for your own life, your actions also affect those coming after you. 

As an employer, employees look up to you for guidance. Once procrastinating sets it's roots within you it is only a matter of time before the whole workforce follows suite.

As a parent, your children get most of their habits from you. Once they start the habit of procrastinating at childhood it becomes harder to uproot it in their adult life.

Above all, you are a role model to someone. Whether you know the person or not, someone aspires to handle tasks the way you do in as much as you secretly admire your own role model without them knowing.
