List of behaviours that invite success (3)

How to behave for success (3)

For a recap of the first and second part of the series, click here

9. Never let pride overshadow your vision

It takes humility to learn as well as to acknowledge that someone else’s method may be superior. The best way to grow within your venture is to acknowledge those that are doing a better job in related fields to your own. This way, you learn to adapt to more effective methods of operation and are always open to learning more ways to improve.

When your pride outgrows your desire to grow, it is hard to learn from someone else. And the less you are willing to submit and learn, the harder it is to make improvements on yourself. After all, you can never improve on something you neither know nor notice the need to improve.

There is a difference between self belief and pride, albeit separated by a thin line. You need the former to shoot for the stars, but once the former evolves into the latter then you can never soar beyond the stars.

10. Never prioritize sympathy

Self sympathy is a nasty behavior that can break the backbone of potential and can shatter dreams in an instant. Many people who suffer from the syndrome of feeling underprivileged often times deviate their attention from seeking and building their own goal by casting more focus to the expectation of getting assistance from the ‘privileged’ individuals.

They become so drawn in self sympathy such that they seize to belief their own belief to achieve anything without the aid of other people even when it is within their grasp.

When sympathy becomes a priority, life seizes to be dependent on your own actions but becomes dependent on the actions of other people to your life.
So if there is no one to help you, does your life have to come to a halt?

Aim always too pave your way, sympathy should a bonus, not a priority

11. Stop pointing a finger

One of the biggest reasons for stagnation in any endeavor is the inability to take responsibility for the unfavourable outcomes. Pointing a finger is a defensive mechanism that will not allow you to grow and mature as an individual.

Responsibility is not all about your own actions but rather about everything that concerns you. You are the CEO of your own life and whatever project of business you run.
When an employee makes a mistake, that employee is guilty of neglect but the bigger picture about the company’s flaw will always point back to the CEO. It is the CEO’s responsibility to answer for the employee’s mistake because the mistakes would have happened under his/her radar.

Therefore as the leader of your own life, you should learn not to always point a finger for whatever disappointing result you face. Rather, take responsibility of the fall and aim to fix it. After all, it is your life.

The problem with shifting blame is that you adjudge yourself innocent and not answerable to fixing the arisen problem. By blaming someone else, you console yourself of the loss,
“After all it was not my fault,” is what you would tell yourself.

In the end, you feel justified not taking action to rectify the issue since it was not your mess in the first place. What you fail to register is that this mess, though you may be innocent, was made into your life. So if you are not going to strap on some responsibility for it there is a very high probability that it will remain within your life.

12. Act

This may come as the last point but it is definitely not the least. In actual fact, it the basis on which success is built on.

You have to act out your ideas into fruition. Any idea that is not acted on is not different from an idea that was never perceived in the first place.

It is better to try and fail than to never try out any of your ideas at all. Many people are crippled from trying by the fear of failure. However, what they fail to realize is that some form of failure is inevitably bound to happen if ever you are going to pursue your dream. What makes us bigger than failure is the ability to adapt, stand and fight again and again until the dream is achieved.

RELATED article: How to overcome failure

It is important to remember that we do not put plans into action because we are guaranteed to succeed, rather, it is because we see the opportunity to continuously grow as an individual, family or firm.
